Join Orbis and be a part of our sight-saving squad!
Support our medical team to transfer eye care knowledge

Join Orbis and be a part of our sight-saving squad!
Support our medical team to transfer eye care knowledge
Support Monthly Donation Program
Enable us to expand medical training programs

Support Monthly Donation Program
Enable us to expand medical training programs
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Monthly donation
One-off donation
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Orbis One-off donation.
Orbis One-off donation.
Donation Amount
HKD 300
HKD 600
HKD 1,000
HKD 3,000
HKD 10,000
Donor Program
Sight-saving worldwide
Childhood blindness
Flying Eye Hospital programs
Donor Information
Personal donation
Corporate donation
(To avoid donor record duplication)
(For those who have donated)
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The one-off donation receipt will be emailed to you instantly. Accumulated donations of HK$100 or above annually are tax deductible with a receipt in Hong Kong. For monthly donation, the annual receipt will be issued in April every year.
Any personal data collected will be used for receipting, updates about sight-saving initiatives, fundraising and/or events promotion purposes only. All data will be kept strictly confidential. For more information on privacy policy, please visit If applicable, please mark the box(es).
Any personal data collected will be used for receipting, updates about sight-saving initiatives, fundraising and/or events promotion purposes only. All data will be kept strictly confidential. For more information on privacy policy, please visit If applicable, please mark the box(es).
Orbis International (Project Orbis International, Inc.) is a registered charity in Hong Kong. Our Charity Registration Number is 91/2345