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Monthly donation
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Orbis Monthly donation.
Orbis Monthly donation.
Thank you for choosing
Orbis One-off donation.
Orbis One-off donation.
Please select Donation Frequency
Please select Currency
Donation Amount
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 100
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 200
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 500
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 100
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 200
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency] } 500
${ this.label.current_currency[donation.current_currency]}
The minimun amount should be HKD 30, thank you
The minimun amount should be MOP 30, thank you
The minimun amount should be TWD 120, thank you
The minimun amount should be RMB 30, thank you
The minimun amount should be HKD 10, thank you
The minimun amount should be MOP 10, thank you
The minimun amount should be TWD 40, thank you
The minimun amount should be RMB 10, thank you
Donor Program
Sight-saving worldwide
Childhood blindness
Flying Eye Hospital programs
Please select Donation Program
School Information
Donor Information
Contact Person
Personal donation
Corporate donation
Please fill in Company Name
Please fill in School Name (English)
Please fill in Class
Please fill in Parent Name
Please fill in Student Name (English Full Name)
Donor/School Contact Person Information
Please select Title
Please fill in Chinese Name
Please fill in Surname
Please fill in Given Name
Please fill in a valid Day Time Tel
Please fill in a valid Email
(To avoid donor record duplication)
Please fill in HKID Card No.
(For those who have donated)
Please fill in a valid Donor No.
Please fill in Date Of Birth
Please select Country
Please fill in Postal Address
Please fill in Company Address
Please select Language for communication
Recipient name
The one-off donation receipt will be emailed to you instantly. Accumulated donations of HK$100 or above annually are tax deductible with a receipt in Hong Kong. For monthly donation, the annual receipt will be issued in April every year.
Any personal data collected will be used for receipting, updates about sight-saving initiatives, fundraising and/or events promotion purposes only. All data will be kept strictly confidential. For more information on privacy policy, please visit www.orbis.org/hkprivacypolicyen. If applicable, please mark the box(es).
Any personal data collected will be used for receipting, updates about sight-saving initiatives, fundraising and/or events promotion purposes only. All data will be kept strictly confidential. For more information on privacy policy, please visit www.orbis.org/hkprivacypolicyen. If applicable, please mark the box(es).
Confirm Information
Donation Amount
${ this.label.frequency[this.donation.frequency] }
${ this.label.current_currency[this.donation.current_currency] }
HKD ${ donation.amount.toLocaleString() }
Donation Program
${ this.label.mdpType[this.donation.mdpType] }
Donor Information
Donor Type
${ this.label.donarType[this.donation.donarType] }
Company Name
${ donation.companyName }
Company Name
${ donation.companyName }
School Name (English Full Name)
${ donation.schoolName }
${ donation.studentClass }
Parent Name
${ donation.parentName }
Student Name (English Full Name)
${ donation.studentName }
Chinese Name
${ donation.chineseName }
English Name
${ donation.englishSurName } ${ donation.englishGivenName }
Day Time Tel
${ donation.phone }
${ donation.fax }
${ donation.email }
HKID Card No.
${ donation.hkid }
Donor No.
${ donation.donationNumber }
Date Of Birth
${ donation.birth }
${ donation.country }
Postal Address
${ donation.address } ${ donation.address2 }
Language for communication
${ this.label.language[this.donation.language] }
Recipient name
${ donation.recipient }
Confirm and Donate via Credit Card
Donate via Credit Card (American Express)
Data is being processed
Donation failed
Thank you for supporting Orbis. To avoid duplicated transaction, please check your credit card transaction record or verify with Orbis Donor Services Department.
Contact Number: 2877 9373
Email: info.hk@orbis.org
Donation failed
Thank you for supporting Orbis. To avoid duplicated transaction, please check your credit card transaction record or verify with Orbis Donor Services Department.
Contact Number: 2877 9373
Email: info.hk@orbis.org
Donate via Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard)
Donate via Credit Card (American Express)
Orbis International (Project Orbis International, Inc.) is a registered charity in Hong Kong. Our Charity Registration Number is 91/2345